Days of formation and fun
The activities are held in the spaces of the museum and throughout the artists' village and include a variety of ways to spend a day in an experiential way, and getting to know the story of the village and its artists.
חינוך והדרכה
הפעילות המגוונת מקנה חוויה ייחודית באמצעות הדרכות דידקטיות ומשחקי גלריה.
interactive exhibition

The Dadalab is an interactive exhibition in which everybody can assume the role of a Dada artist, break the boundaries of conventional art and engage in interdisciplinary creation. In the Dadalab everything is possible: objects like refrigerator, table or picture can pass through walls; a pot becomes an animation apparatus, and the imagination spreads its wings and soars high. The Dadalab enables the participants to gain an active artistic experience, inspired by the works and perceptions of the Dada artists. Beside the Dadalab there is a dadaistic workshop.

Education and training in the museum

Tours, tutorials and workshops tailored to different age groups

Ein Hod GO

The center for trainings and tours, a unique pastoral experience in the alleys of the artists' village and in the studio of Marcel Janko

the Janco-Dada Museum
פעילויות לקבוצות
Events & Programs
February 15 @ 11:30
ט”ו בשבט במוזיאון
February 1 @ 11:00
שבת במעבדאדא

שעות פתיחה:

שני עד שישי 11:00-14:00

שבת 11:00-15:00


מוזיאון ינקו–דאדא, כפר האמנים עין הוד, ד“נ חוף הכרמל 3089000

טלפון: 04-9842350  (מענה 24 שעות)
פקס : 04-9843152